MIRACLE TONE 528 HZ Frequency Healing

Crystals hold powerful vibrations and have been used in Ancient civilizations for healing in sound temples and powering advanced technology. Sound is so powerful as it has the power to lift energy or deplet it. Crystal tones from singing bowls have the power to connect with water in our bodies and repair cell / dna structures, as well as activate higher frequencies within.

The Miracle Tone is known to vibrate at 528 hz , this solfeggio frequency is known to clear energy. This tone brings transformation to one’s life.

♾ Benefits Include:

•Reduces stress in the endocrine systems and autonomic nervous systems

•Repairs DNA damage

•Increases positive energy

•Associated with Health & Longevity

•Connects to Love, balances energy

•Brings Miracles to one’s life

•Frequency found in Nature

This is a great frequency for those in need of deep healings and activations. I would highly suggest in a sound bath ceremony which can usually be found at yoga studios for a beautiful energy cleanse. Or even downloading the solfeggio tones to listen to everyday. This tone is soo magical, I love using this everyday to align energy and we use this beautiful tone in our sacred space infusing the energy into our crystal infused products.

With love and blessings,



Charge your Crystals
